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Mid-Day Meal Scheme


नामांकन बढ़ाने, उन्‍हें बनाए रखने और उपस्‍थिति के साथ-साथ बच्‍चों के बीच पोषण स्‍तर सुधारने के दृष्‍टिकोण के साथ प्राथमिक शिक्षा के लिए राष्‍ट्रीय पोषण सहयोग कार्यक्रम 15 अगस्‍त, 1995 से शुरू किया गया। केंद्र द्वारा प्रायोजित इस योजना को पहले देश के 2408 ब्‍लॉकों में शुरू किया गया। वर्ष 1997-98 के अंत तक एनपी-एनएसपीई को देश के सभी ब्‍लॉकों में लागू कर दिया गया। 2002 में इसे बढ़ाकर न केवल सरकारी, सरकारी सहायता प्राप्‍त और स्‍थानीय निकायों के स्‍कूलों के कक्षा एक से पांच तक के बच्‍चों तक किया गया बल्कि ईजीएस और एआईई केंद्रों में पढ़ रहे बच्‍चों को भी इसके अंतर्गत शामिल कर लिया गया। इस योजना के अंतर्गत शामिल है : प्रत्‍येक स्‍कूल दिवस प्रति बालक 100 ग्राम खाद्यान्‍न तथा खाद्यान्‍न सामग्री को लाने-ले जाने के लिए प्रति कुंतल 50 रुपये की अनुदान सहायता।

With a view to enhancing enrollment, retention and attendance and simultaneously improving nutritional levels among children, the National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-NSPE) was launched as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme on 15th August 1995, initially in 2408 blocks in the country. By the year 1997-98 the NP-NSPE was introduced in all blocks of the country. It was further extended in 2002 to cover not only children in classes I-V of government, government aided and local body schools, but also children studying in EGS and AIE centres. Central Assistance under the scheme consisted of free supply of food grains @ 100 grams per child per school day, and subsidy for transportation of food grains up to a maximum of Rs.50 per quintal.

In September 2004 the scheme was revised to provide cooked mid day meal with 300 calories and 8-12 grams of protein to all children studying in classes I-V in Government and aided schools and EGS/AIE centers. In addition to free supply of food grains, the revised scheme provided Central Assistance for (a) Cooking cost @ Re 1 per child per school day, (b) Transport subsidy was raised from the earlier maximum of Rs.50 per quintal to Rs.100 per quintal for special category states, and Rs.75 per quintal for other states, (c) Management, monitoring and evaluation costs @ 2% of the cost of food grains, transport subsidy and cooking assistance, (d) Provision of mid day meal during summer vacation in drought affected areas.

In July 2006 the scheme was further revised to provide assistance for cooking cost at the rate of (a) Rs.1.80 per child/school day for States in the North Eastern Region, provided the NER states contribute Rs.0.20 per child/school day, and (b) Rs.1.50 per child/school day for other States and UTs, provided that these States and UTs contribute Rs.0.50 per child/school day.


The objectives of the mid day meal scheme are:

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